Sunday 5 April 2009


First a little about me and my relationship (love affair) with food.

As a child I was nicknamed 'bony bum' I was very skinny. I was picky with food but loved sweets and chocolate. I have always had a good appetite, but didn't touch much dairy and would never have eaten a tomato. My mother worried that a limited diet was a bad thing managed (by magic looking back) to slowly bring foods into my diet that I would never dream of touching. By being the amazing cook that she is, she taught me that bad food just isn't worth putting in your mouth, but if its good there's nothing better.

Of course around the age of 16 my good luck of being naturally slim came to an end and not being one for exercise, I started to fill out, my body went naturally to a size 12-14 (uk sizes) and at 5ft 7" I looked comparatively normal. Since then however my weight has bounced up and down quite a lot. There are two ways I loose weight, one is naturally through working a lot and skipping meals due to the work. Secondly is through dieting (most successfully with a slimming club).

At Christmas my sister announced that she was getting married, great news until it turns out that she decides to have the full affair with bridesmaids and white dresses and a sit down meals. Then she asked me to be bridesmaid. As I know I shall never be doing the same thing myself I said yes, although quite worried about the outfit, the photos and mainly the shoes, (I don't do heels). I'm sure it will be fun at the time, but in some ways I am dreading it.

Being from a un photogenic family I've decided the only thing for it is to lose some weight, at least then I shall just be pulling a funny face, rather than looking fat and pulling a funny face.

So along with my sister and my mother (both of thom have came to the same conclusion) we joined the local fat club, I'm not that sure that the diets are that great at these places and some of the things you should be eatting accoring to there mandate, cannot be good for you. But the desire to get slimmer each week, the enforced weigh in, and the desire to lose the weight asap so you don't have to go to the classes anymore.

On the 4th March 2009 I set the target of trying to loose 2 and a half stone by november 19th, after having discovered that I was the largest I had ever been. So far I have lost 8 and a half pounds which isn't to bad in 4 weeks. And on the whole I have been sticking to the fat clubs diet however I have been finding it hard on the portion control side of things, hence the blog.

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